mp280 drivers download, canon pixma mp280 drivers, download canon pixma280, drivers for canon mp280
The below driver is supported for all operating systems like windows 7, 8, Vista etc. (32 bit - 64 bit). Canon Pixma mp280 is very cheap and liked printer from every one.
File information :
- Product Compatible : Canon PIXMA MP280 / MP287
- File Name : mp68-win-mp280-1_03-ejs.exe
- File Version : 1.03
- File Size : 14.25 MB
- File Released : 10/01/2013
- File Languages : English, Spanish, Japanese
Description :
With my Dell Desktop (10 years old) and my Lenovo netbook (5 years old) both running on Windows XP, and Microsoft ending support of that OS, it came time to get a new computer.